Sunday, January 2, 2011

New purpose

Since we've never really used the blog, I'm going to use it to document my 30 Day Bikram Yoga Challenge. I've loved Bikram since I was introduced in August 2008. Although it's expensive, it's my favorite form of exercise. I always questions myself halfway through the standing series, wondering why I pay to subject myself to such torture. Then we get to the seated series (my favorite) and the final resting period and I can't wait for the next class.

There was nowhere in Lynchburg to practice Bikram until this December. I was too busy over the past month to go to any classes besides the first day they were open, but the 11 cent classes on New Year's Day hooked me back in. I've always wanted to complete the 30 Day Challenge, but I was never in Charlottesville for 30 days straight when I was in grad school. Now I'll be around for most of the 30 days (I'll potentially only miss one day, which will mean doubling up a day).

Like everyone else, I've gained weight over the past few years - partially due to lack of exercise, partially due to poor eating habits (it's hard to justify cooking for myself when Corey is working odd shifts). I think this is a great way to start off the new year. Losing weight will be nice, but it's not the point. I love how I feel after class, and that feeling is what I want more than anything. Just for kicks, though, I weighed myself yesterday and I'm going to personally keep track of that number just to see if it helps at all.

I'm not one for serious resolutions - last year my resolutions were to see Jimmy Buffett as many times as possible (only succeeded once), learn "We Didn't Start the Fire" (only finished one verse - it's a hard song!), and learn the "Single Ladies" dance (didn't happen at all). I'd like to think of this more as a start to being healthier. My resolutions are still up in the air - I think the first two will carry over. Now to think of a third... after Day 2 of the challenge in an hour :)

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