Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 - Getting Worse to Get Better

I think what I've learned more than anything over the course of this challenge is that the postures stay the same, but my practice changes daily. Postures that I thought I did well before are challenging now. Postures I loathed are becoming easier. I ache in different places daily, but that means that my body needs to stretch.

Tonight's class was good. Not great, not bad. It felt like it had been forever since I'd been there since I practiced yesterday morning. That break was much needed. The second half of standing bow is getting difficult. I can't get my left leg over my head anymore, and my back hurts when I do it. I asked about it and I just need to continue to stretch. I spent the whole class thinking about how hungry I was because I hadn't eaten since noon, when I had a half of a bagel. That made it a bit hard to concentrate.

I've noticed I'm sweating a lot more in class now, which I think is good. I've also noticed that I constantly yawn during the breathing exercises. I don't know if it's because it's the end of the day or because of the heat, but it can really mess with my deep inhales!

I'm watching Heavy on A&E right now, and its super motivating. I really don't have weight to lose, but I need to tone. I cheated and took my weight and measurements today instead of waiting until the end. I'm down 9 pounds and have lost 1.5 inches on each thigh, 2 inches on my hips, and 3 inches on my stomach. I'm a believer in Bikram!

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