Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11 - Intimidating!

Yoga is a very personal practice. No two people in the room are in the same spot in each posture, and everyone's practice changes daily. It's taken me a long time to not compare myself to everyone else in the room. So what if my leg doesn't pop during standing head to knee? Instead of wishing I could, I just focus on locking my knees, which I'll be happy if I can do at all in 2011.

So this brings me to tonight. The 4:30 class was VERY crowded, probably because it was icy outside and everyone wanted to get home. The room was SO hot and humid when I got there, moreso than usual. I got my usual spot by the window. When it was time to start class, I realized one of the owners of the studio set her mat beside mine. As someone who is still working on strength and struggling with the muscles in her thighs (which have stopped cooperating at this point) I began to get intimidated. What if I fall out? My leg isn't locked, what is she thinking? And then I told myself that it wasn't important. They're always telling us to just get the form of the posture, that doing that correctly is more important than how deep you're going. So I just held my foot in head to knee. My leg was wobbly during standing bow. My foot won't sit flat anymore. But you know what? I was just focusing on myself. Sure, I may not be improving on a daily basis, but I can't build muscles in a day. It'll take time.

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