Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12 - ouch

I have my first yoga-related injury - during rabbit, I lifted my hips and felt a good stretch in my arm. All of the sudden, BAM! My shoulder was KILLING me. So much that I had tears in my eyes. I had a fairly terrible class after that - couldn't lift my arm, and all I want to do is stretch my arm down, which I can't really do without taking my arm completely out of the socket. I took a nice, hot shower when I got home, asked Corey to rub the knot out, and now I'm just relaxing. I'll see how it feels tomorrow and go from there - maybe I'll have to modify a few things, especially if I can't lift my arm!

In other news, I'm one of only two people at my studio who have been to class every single day. Some have missed and done doubles, but two of us are going strong. I think I have a plan worked out to where I will be able to make it daily, but I need traffic (and the General Assembly) to be on my side. Cross your fingers!

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