Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10 - Sore, sore, sore

One word describes today - sore. I've noticed my thighs (which had literally no muscle before - seriously, I don't know how I was standing!) shake in nearly every posture, but usually I can hold it. Not today. By awkward pose (which is the third thing we do for the non-Bikram folks) I wanted to cry. I couldn't sit nearly as deeply as I had previously and standing head to knee was a joke (I've come close to locking my leg in the past, but not today). Eagle, which is always solid, was shaky. Even my favorite, standing bow, was super shaky and I had a hard time kicking because my thighs were screaming.

Other than that, class was decent - not great, but not terrible. My love affair with camel is growing by the day. My butt is nearly on the ground for fixed firm, even if just for a few seconds. I can grab my toes in front of me and almost get my face on my legs in hands to feet. My breathing exercises are getting better (I can almost keep up at the end, and six seconds doesn't feel like forever at the beginning!).

I keep thinking about next week and how I'm going to fit class in - I start classes for my doctorate on Monday and I have classes Monday and Thursday evenings. I may have to put in time at work on the weekends so I can go to Bikram those mornings this month so I can meet the challenge - as much as I love yoga, it can't come before work. I will, though, make a conscious effort to work out more when the challenge is done. All fall I said, "I don't have time to work out." I'm finding now that I DO have time if I make it - I just had to find something that felt like it was worth it to go to. With the demands of work and class, I have a feeling I'll have to make time for yoga a few times a week to get myself centered. It's true what they say - when you're in the yoga room for 90 minutes, all you think about for those 90 minutes is what you're doing in that moment... and maybe how crazy you are for loving the torture :)

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