Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Days 16 and 17

I'm closing in on 2/3 of the way completed! On Sunday I took my sister, who hasn't done yoga in years, to the brand new 2:30 class. It was crowded but not uncomfortably so. Melissa did great - only sat out for two postures, one of which was standing bow (which can be intimidating). I found a good modification to help me stretch my poor glutes and hamstrings on standing separate leg stretching, and it helped a LOT.

I went to the 9:30 class yesterday because I started my Ed.D program last night and had no other time to go. It felt odd to be there first thing in the morning. I think next time I do a morning class I need to get up earlier to drink some water and eat a small bowl of Special K. I couldn't get my usual spot so I was right in front of the instructor. It was weird being in the center of the room. I couldn't stay in standing bow to save my life, especially when I was grabbing my left leg. I'm noticing improvement in rabbit, though, and in balancing stick. I ended up going to lunch with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and mom after class. Melissa said she was a bit sore after Sunday's class but she was feeling good. She said class was like medieval torture :P She won't say she'll never go back, but she won't be back soon!

One side effect I've noticed - I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I've always been the type of person who requires 8 hours of sleep to not be a grump. In college I'd stay up until all hours, but I'd also sleep in. Ever since I worked crazy hours at the TV station I can't sleep much past 7 or 8 unless I'm just exhausted. I typically go to bed by 10 and wake up between 6:30 and 7. Since I started the challenge, though, I'm up until midnight every night. When the 6:30 alarm goes off, I'm dead. I hit snooze until all hours and then rush out the door. I also can't get back to sleep in the mornings if Corey accidentally wakes me up on his way to work, no matter how exhausted I am. I'm looking forward to this weekend because I don't have anywhere to be Sunday morning and I plan on having no alarm set... let's see how long I sleep!

Since I went early yesterday, I get a nice long break before tonight's 6:30 class. As of Thursday I'm 2/3 of the way done!

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