Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 9

Day 9 is over. The only class on Sundays is at 4:30, so I cleaned in the morning and did some work in the afternoon before class. I would've rather done yoga in the morning, but I had no choice :)

The yoga room here is a bit smaller than others I've been to, but it's organized very well. There are dots for you to line your upper left corner of your mat on so rows are even and everyone can see the mirror. Typically I haven't had anyone directly beside me on either side, except for opening day. Yesterday, though, was a different story. I don't know if it's because college students are back or if a lot of people just decided to come yesterday, but class was sold out. Every space was used and then some. It made some poses easier (we turned on our mats for triangle, which meant my foot slipped less - yay!) and some a LOT harder (full locust - no one could put their arms out at their sides!). They're going to add another Sunday class next week. Despite the amount of people, class was good and no one forgot their deodorant (as I suspect the person beside me did on Saturday night - makes it hard to breathe through your nose!).

Other than the crowd, class was decent. I feel like I'm getting worse at some poses (I can barely hold my balance in standing head to knee) but I'm getting better at some (hips were almost on the floor for fixed firm! A major accomplishment!). I could tell I didn't drink enough water before class, though, because I wasn't dripping with sweat during the first few poses. Usually half moon works me out so much and I'm hot as soon as I get into position. I drank a lot of water after class, though, and it's easier for me to drink water at work (my huge cup just sits on my desk).

After this afternoon's class, I'll be 1/3 of the way done with the challenge. I don't know that I could keep up the every day pace after this challenge (in fact, I know I can't, thanks to work) but I really want to keep practicing a few times a week. I feel like I've learned a lot about myself and I always feel accomplished when I leave, even when I don't want to go to class.

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