Saturday, January 29, 2011

Days 25-29... I've been MIA

So... life has been busy. I spent Tuesday at the Capitol in Richmond for an advocacy day for work. We brought all of our student officers in to meet their real-life counterparts and to be introduced in the House & Senate. It was a good day. I made it to Lynchburg just in time for the 6:30 class on Tuesday, and I felt AMAZING. I was super loose from the massage and I was able to stretch deeper than I have before. I hit a major point - I lifted my leg in standing head to knee! I can't hold it long, but I lifted the leg - I felt like it was a huge victory.

Wednesday was a let-down after Tuesday's great class. It was snowing and icing and I made the last-minute decision to attend the 4:30 class, but I ate lunch very late. I usually try to stop eating a few hours before class, but I felt full and sluggish the whole time. I couldn't stretch as well and I just felt like I wasn't doing as well.

Thursday morning's class couldn't have come at a better time. I had a TERRIBLE morning. Woke up with a migraine, didn't want to get out of bed, found out some bad news. I really didn't want to go to class, but I made myself go - I couldn't make it this far and miss a day, even though I did a double earlier just in case. I was in a terrible mood when I got to class and was feeling very emotional during the first postures. After awkward, though, I found that I wasn't thinking about anything - I was just listening and following directions. It calmed me down and I had a much better Thursday because of it.

Friday's class was crowded and I arrived about 15 minutes before class, which is late for me. I had to practice on the opposite side of the room from what I'm used to, and it was right beside a window that overlooks one of the hottest places in town for happy hour - distracting! I couldn't see myself in the mirror so I felt like I couldn't properly see my body. I was also wearing long pants because I dressed for class all day, and long pants are TERRIBLE for Bikram.

This morning was my "official" end of the 30 day challenge because I hit 30 classes in 29 days. I got there early and got a good spot. The class was sold out, which has prompted them to add another Saturday class - yay! I felt great in class and besides losing my balance several times (which has happened a few times over the past days) I had a good class. I didn't feel like any postures were bad, and while none stood out as amazing, I felt great. It was nice to be recognized at the end of class and I had some nice chats with some new yogis after class about the challenge. Sarah and Gretchen have been so positive and encouraging throughout the whole challenge. I'll go to class tomorrow to hit 30 days, but then I have to stop going Mondays and Thursdays - I've been taking half days from work to go those days since I have grad school class those nights.

I feel great. I have a lot of reflective thoughts, but I'll save them for another post. For now, onto dinner, grad school work, and working on the kitchen.

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