Friday, August 26, 2011

It's been awhile

When my 30 day challenge was over, I stopped blogging for some reason. I think I need to get back into it - both yoga and blogging. I did pretty well after the 30 day challenge, but I've had periods of several weeks where I don't even go to to the yoga studio. I have my bag packed - I just can't motivate myself to go after a long, stressful day at work. I'm going to the beach at the end of next month, though, so that may be enough motivation to get me back to the studio. I miss it.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Days 25-29... I've been MIA

So... life has been busy. I spent Tuesday at the Capitol in Richmond for an advocacy day for work. We brought all of our student officers in to meet their real-life counterparts and to be introduced in the House & Senate. It was a good day. I made it to Lynchburg just in time for the 6:30 class on Tuesday, and I felt AMAZING. I was super loose from the massage and I was able to stretch deeper than I have before. I hit a major point - I lifted my leg in standing head to knee! I can't hold it long, but I lifted the leg - I felt like it was a huge victory.

Wednesday was a let-down after Tuesday's great class. It was snowing and icing and I made the last-minute decision to attend the 4:30 class, but I ate lunch very late. I usually try to stop eating a few hours before class, but I felt full and sluggish the whole time. I couldn't stretch as well and I just felt like I wasn't doing as well.

Thursday morning's class couldn't have come at a better time. I had a TERRIBLE morning. Woke up with a migraine, didn't want to get out of bed, found out some bad news. I really didn't want to go to class, but I made myself go - I couldn't make it this far and miss a day, even though I did a double earlier just in case. I was in a terrible mood when I got to class and was feeling very emotional during the first postures. After awkward, though, I found that I wasn't thinking about anything - I was just listening and following directions. It calmed me down and I had a much better Thursday because of it.

Friday's class was crowded and I arrived about 15 minutes before class, which is late for me. I had to practice on the opposite side of the room from what I'm used to, and it was right beside a window that overlooks one of the hottest places in town for happy hour - distracting! I couldn't see myself in the mirror so I felt like I couldn't properly see my body. I was also wearing long pants because I dressed for class all day, and long pants are TERRIBLE for Bikram.

This morning was my "official" end of the 30 day challenge because I hit 30 classes in 29 days. I got there early and got a good spot. The class was sold out, which has prompted them to add another Saturday class - yay! I felt great in class and besides losing my balance several times (which has happened a few times over the past days) I had a good class. I didn't feel like any postures were bad, and while none stood out as amazing, I felt great. It was nice to be recognized at the end of class and I had some nice chats with some new yogis after class about the challenge. Sarah and Gretchen have been so positive and encouraging throughout the whole challenge. I'll go to class tomorrow to hit 30 days, but then I have to stop going Mondays and Thursdays - I've been taking half days from work to go those days since I have grad school class those nights.

I feel great. I have a lot of reflective thoughts, but I'll save them for another post. For now, onto dinner, grad school work, and working on the kitchen.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Days 23-24 - something new

Sunday's class was crowded, as always. Someone was in my usual spot when I arrived, so I decided to suck it up and take a spot in the front row. I found it to be easier to focus on each posture since there was no one between me and the mirror. However, I like the extra space in my usual spot :) There were a lot of new people in class, possibly from this article that ran in the paper (yes, that's my quote in there). As for postures, I felt like everything I'd said about triangle went out the window - not great on Sunday.

Monday's class was after a night of little sleep (except for right before class, because I always seem to get my best sleep when it's time to wake up). Morning classes aren't as crowded (though there are usually 20 or so people there). Class was good overall - triangle improved, balancing stick is getting better.

Today was great for other reasons, though. I left after class to go to Richmond for business, and I got a massage when I got to town. The masseuse could tell I was practicing and asked if I was having issues with my left shoulder and my glutes - if you'll remember, my left side standing bow is doing terribly due to pain, and I can't get my legs locked in standing head to knee. She worked on my shoulder (said it was like concrete - SO painful) and on my glutes a bit, and said to schedule 90 minutes next time to spend more time on those areas. We'll see tomorrow night if it helped. For now, I'm going to do some reading for school and drink a nice glass of wine :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Classes 21-22 - two good ones

I love Bikram yoga - anyone who has talked to me over the past month will tell you that it's become something I'm passionate about and something that has changed me. However, it's rare that I have two classes in a row that are good classes. As I've said before, I'm different every day, and therefore my practice is different every day. Friday and Saturday were an exception, though, as I felt both classes were good classes.

Friday's was a bit crowded and filled with a lot of new students. One of my biggest pet peeves is when there are a bunch of newbies - not because of their practice, but because they TOTALLY ignore the "no talking" sign as they enter the room. It's like a huge social hour and they don't notice that everyone else was silent as they entered. Those 25 minutes before class are important - I adjust to the heat, think about a million things for work, and generally relax. Class was good, though, and I'm really finding a breakthrough in triangle. My thigh is much closer to parallel with the floor, which is making it so much easier to not slide throughout the posture.

Friday's class was a bit different, though, because there was a visiting teacher. They're trying out some new teachers because the studio needs to add more classes. This teacher was a lot quieter than Gretchen and Sarah (hardly anything during the breathing exercises and not a lot straying from the dialogue). I'm used to Gretchen and Sarah constantly talking and giving encouragement. The teacher was good, though, and I think I'll just have to get used to quieter classes if she becomes permanent. I'm spoiled in that I've only taken Bikram from a few people, and they're all very outgoing and talkative. They each have their own style, though (I miss Lizzie walking on my feet).

Saturday's class was a morning class, which meant not much time between classes. My breathing exercise was crap - I was yawning the whole time and basically couldn't get it, which usually sets the tone for a bad class. That wasn't the case, though. Class was good and I felt like I've improved on a lot of things. That's the point of this whole challenge. I'm seeing a lot of improvement, not overnight, but as a whole. I wish I could've had pictures of me in each posture then and now. But who wants photos of themselves in Bikram class?

Speaking of pictures, the newspaper article I mentioned earlier is out today. I was a bit misquoted in the beginning (I said I questioned myself the first few classes, not daily) and I feel like I gave a LOT of great quotes that weren't used, but it's a good article and it's great publicity for the studio. I wonder if it'll have any effect on crowds in class this afternoon. I'd better get there early...

In other personal news, we're renovating our kitchen right now. I'll add more about that later (Extreme Makeover: Davies Edition!), but I'm sure that'll be consuming a lot of my time over the next week. Fun!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Days 19-20 - Two-thirds completed!

I can't believe I'm 2/3 of the way done already. Class was HOT on Wednesday night - I don't think it's ever been that hot. I got dizzy during a few postures and several people left the room. Regulars were kneeling down. I took a knee during the first half of the first triangle posture, but only because I slid and fell a bit because I was sweating so much. I talked to a few people after class who all agreed it was hot.

I went back to class Thursday morning because I had my second grad school class Thursday night. The room was much more comfortable. There was a photographer taking pictures for a magazine article, but luckily he was only taking photos of the other side of the room from my usual spot. When they told us at the beginning that he'd be taking photos of the left side of the room, there was a bit of a migration to the right side :) I don't think anyone wants to be seen by the public with the "Bikram glow!"

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 18 - Getting Worse to Get Better

I think what I've learned more than anything over the course of this challenge is that the postures stay the same, but my practice changes daily. Postures that I thought I did well before are challenging now. Postures I loathed are becoming easier. I ache in different places daily, but that means that my body needs to stretch.

Tonight's class was good. Not great, not bad. It felt like it had been forever since I'd been there since I practiced yesterday morning. That break was much needed. The second half of standing bow is getting difficult. I can't get my left leg over my head anymore, and my back hurts when I do it. I asked about it and I just need to continue to stretch. I spent the whole class thinking about how hungry I was because I hadn't eaten since noon, when I had a half of a bagel. That made it a bit hard to concentrate.

I've noticed I'm sweating a lot more in class now, which I think is good. I've also noticed that I constantly yawn during the breathing exercises. I don't know if it's because it's the end of the day or because of the heat, but it can really mess with my deep inhales!

I'm watching Heavy on A&E right now, and its super motivating. I really don't have weight to lose, but I need to tone. I cheated and took my weight and measurements today instead of waiting until the end. I'm down 9 pounds and have lost 1.5 inches on each thigh, 2 inches on my hips, and 3 inches on my stomach. I'm a believer in Bikram!

Days 16 and 17

I'm closing in on 2/3 of the way completed! On Sunday I took my sister, who hasn't done yoga in years, to the brand new 2:30 class. It was crowded but not uncomfortably so. Melissa did great - only sat out for two postures, one of which was standing bow (which can be intimidating). I found a good modification to help me stretch my poor glutes and hamstrings on standing separate leg stretching, and it helped a LOT.

I went to the 9:30 class yesterday because I started my Ed.D program last night and had no other time to go. It felt odd to be there first thing in the morning. I think next time I do a morning class I need to get up earlier to drink some water and eat a small bowl of Special K. I couldn't get my usual spot so I was right in front of the instructor. It was weird being in the center of the room. I couldn't stay in standing bow to save my life, especially when I was grabbing my left leg. I'm noticing improvement in rabbit, though, and in balancing stick. I ended up going to lunch with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew, and mom after class. Melissa said she was a bit sore after Sunday's class but she was feeling good. She said class was like medieval torture :P She won't say she'll never go back, but she won't be back soon!

One side effect I've noticed - I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I've always been the type of person who requires 8 hours of sleep to not be a grump. In college I'd stay up until all hours, but I'd also sleep in. Ever since I worked crazy hours at the TV station I can't sleep much past 7 or 8 unless I'm just exhausted. I typically go to bed by 10 and wake up between 6:30 and 7. Since I started the challenge, though, I'm up until midnight every night. When the 6:30 alarm goes off, I'm dead. I hit snooze until all hours and then rush out the door. I also can't get back to sleep in the mornings if Corey accidentally wakes me up on his way to work, no matter how exhausted I am. I'm looking forward to this weekend because I don't have anywhere to be Sunday morning and I plan on having no alarm set... let's see how long I sleep!

Since I went early yesterday, I get a nice long break before tonight's 6:30 class. As of Thursday I'm 2/3 of the way done!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Days 14 & 15 - CROWDS

Yoga is such a personal practice. I like having my space, which is why I go half an hour early to every class. I have a certain spot I like in the second row by the window. Everyone in Lynchburg has decided to try Bikram, apparently, which is great - but it doesn't work well with my personal space. Friday's class was crowded, but I had some space. Saturday, though, was a whole other story. I was the first one in the room, and I got my spot. I put my mat on the dot, like you're supposed to so everyone can see the mirror. Class was full of new people who didn't respect the "no talking in the studio" rule. The kicker was that class was sold out to the point where someone came over and asked if she could squeeze into the sliver of space beside me. I ended up directly against the wall, making every posture extremely difficult. I couldn't see myself in the mirror because I was directly behind the person in front of me (which also happened Friday, thanks to people not following the dot rule). Overall I was crabby from the crowded conditions and from the fact that I didn't get everything I could have out of class. If that had been my first experience, I don't think I would have gone back.

Enough with the negativity. Today's a new day, and they've added a new class today. My sister is coming with me, which will be fun.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 13 - Lucky 13

All day my neck and shoulder have been killing me. My right hand was tingling at work and it as COLD. After doing some Dr. Google work, I think it's a pinched nerve. I asked about modifications and Sarah told me to try the postures and just stop if it hurt. Easy advice, huh?

Class started, and I knew half moon was going to be killer. The stretch felt great - even though I couldn't hold it long. Locust was hard, but spine twist felt especially great. My shoulder feels a million times better now. I still have a little pain in my neck and shoulder, but it's not nearly as severe as it was. In fact, I think my glutes and the muscles behind my knees are hurting more!

Almost halfway there...

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 12 - ouch

I have my first yoga-related injury - during rabbit, I lifted my hips and felt a good stretch in my arm. All of the sudden, BAM! My shoulder was KILLING me. So much that I had tears in my eyes. I had a fairly terrible class after that - couldn't lift my arm, and all I want to do is stretch my arm down, which I can't really do without taking my arm completely out of the socket. I took a nice, hot shower when I got home, asked Corey to rub the knot out, and now I'm just relaxing. I'll see how it feels tomorrow and go from there - maybe I'll have to modify a few things, especially if I can't lift my arm!

In other news, I'm one of only two people at my studio who have been to class every single day. Some have missed and done doubles, but two of us are going strong. I think I have a plan worked out to where I will be able to make it daily, but I need traffic (and the General Assembly) to be on my side. Cross your fingers!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 11 - Intimidating!

Yoga is a very personal practice. No two people in the room are in the same spot in each posture, and everyone's practice changes daily. It's taken me a long time to not compare myself to everyone else in the room. So what if my leg doesn't pop during standing head to knee? Instead of wishing I could, I just focus on locking my knees, which I'll be happy if I can do at all in 2011.

So this brings me to tonight. The 4:30 class was VERY crowded, probably because it was icy outside and everyone wanted to get home. The room was SO hot and humid when I got there, moreso than usual. I got my usual spot by the window. When it was time to start class, I realized one of the owners of the studio set her mat beside mine. As someone who is still working on strength and struggling with the muscles in her thighs (which have stopped cooperating at this point) I began to get intimidated. What if I fall out? My leg isn't locked, what is she thinking? And then I told myself that it wasn't important. They're always telling us to just get the form of the posture, that doing that correctly is more important than how deep you're going. So I just held my foot in head to knee. My leg was wobbly during standing bow. My foot won't sit flat anymore. But you know what? I was just focusing on myself. Sure, I may not be improving on a daily basis, but I can't build muscles in a day. It'll take time.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10 - Sore, sore, sore

One word describes today - sore. I've noticed my thighs (which had literally no muscle before - seriously, I don't know how I was standing!) shake in nearly every posture, but usually I can hold it. Not today. By awkward pose (which is the third thing we do for the non-Bikram folks) I wanted to cry. I couldn't sit nearly as deeply as I had previously and standing head to knee was a joke (I've come close to locking my leg in the past, but not today). Eagle, which is always solid, was shaky. Even my favorite, standing bow, was super shaky and I had a hard time kicking because my thighs were screaming.

Other than that, class was decent - not great, but not terrible. My love affair with camel is growing by the day. My butt is nearly on the ground for fixed firm, even if just for a few seconds. I can grab my toes in front of me and almost get my face on my legs in hands to feet. My breathing exercises are getting better (I can almost keep up at the end, and six seconds doesn't feel like forever at the beginning!).

I keep thinking about next week and how I'm going to fit class in - I start classes for my doctorate on Monday and I have classes Monday and Thursday evenings. I may have to put in time at work on the weekends so I can go to Bikram those mornings this month so I can meet the challenge - as much as I love yoga, it can't come before work. I will, though, make a conscious effort to work out more when the challenge is done. All fall I said, "I don't have time to work out." I'm finding now that I DO have time if I make it - I just had to find something that felt like it was worth it to go to. With the demands of work and class, I have a feeling I'll have to make time for yoga a few times a week to get myself centered. It's true what they say - when you're in the yoga room for 90 minutes, all you think about for those 90 minutes is what you're doing in that moment... and maybe how crazy you are for loving the torture :)

What's Helping Me

I've been asked by a lot of friends and family how exactly I'm doing this challenge. True, I went from very little exercise (walking on the treadmill at the Y 1-2 times a week) straight into 30 days straight of Bikram. I'm very sore, but the good thing about Bikram is that I can see how I'm feeling before each class and push myself to my limits just for that day. Some days are better than others, but I've come to realize that I'm never going to have a perfect class. Sometimes I stay in Standing Bow all four times with my foot perfectly centered over my head. Sometimes I fall out every 10 seconds. If I'm feeling sore, I can push through the pain or take it a bit easier.

I think the one thing that's made this challenge doable is that my good friend and fellow Alpha Chi Omega sister Angela is doing the challenge in Arlington. We compare notes on Facebook and share our challenges and frustrations as well as our triumphs. It's funny - we have the same feelings quite often (good days, bad days) but that's one of the things that motivates me. I want to be able to come home and let Ang know how each day was, and I look forward to her analysis of her class.

Day 9

Day 9 is over. The only class on Sundays is at 4:30, so I cleaned in the morning and did some work in the afternoon before class. I would've rather done yoga in the morning, but I had no choice :)

The yoga room here is a bit smaller than others I've been to, but it's organized very well. There are dots for you to line your upper left corner of your mat on so rows are even and everyone can see the mirror. Typically I haven't had anyone directly beside me on either side, except for opening day. Yesterday, though, was a different story. I don't know if it's because college students are back or if a lot of people just decided to come yesterday, but class was sold out. Every space was used and then some. It made some poses easier (we turned on our mats for triangle, which meant my foot slipped less - yay!) and some a LOT harder (full locust - no one could put their arms out at their sides!). They're going to add another Sunday class next week. Despite the amount of people, class was good and no one forgot their deodorant (as I suspect the person beside me did on Saturday night - makes it hard to breathe through your nose!).

Other than the crowd, class was decent. I feel like I'm getting worse at some poses (I can barely hold my balance in standing head to knee) but I'm getting better at some (hips were almost on the floor for fixed firm! A major accomplishment!). I could tell I didn't drink enough water before class, though, because I wasn't dripping with sweat during the first few poses. Usually half moon works me out so much and I'm hot as soon as I get into position. I drank a lot of water after class, though, and it's easier for me to drink water at work (my huge cup just sits on my desk).

After this afternoon's class, I'll be 1/3 of the way done with the challenge. I don't know that I could keep up the every day pace after this challenge (in fact, I know I can't, thanks to work) but I really want to keep practicing a few times a week. I feel like I've learned a lot about myself and I always feel accomplished when I leave, even when I don't want to go to class.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8, Part 2

After class this morning I came home, ate lunch, and watched some Grey's Anatomy while trying to keep warm (which I've found hard to do since starting Bikram, partly because we're cheap and have our heat set at 60 degrees). My eyes started getting heavy so I brought my DVD to the bedroom and took a nap for an hour or so. When my alarm went off, I was cursing myself for saying, "See you this afternoon!" to Gretchen & Sarah. I REALLY didn't want to get out of bed, let alone do another 90 minutes of yoga. I dragged myself out of bed, though, and made it to the studio in time to sit in the room for 30 minutes to get used to the heat. I was noticeably more tired this afternoon, and my ankles are killing me (fixed firm is my nemesis... I still can't get my butt on the floor, and my ankles scream in pain every time).

I have noticed, however, that class goes by quicker every time. I don't know if it's because I know what's coming up next or because I'm just used to it, but it doesn't seem like 90 minutes. I still can't get over the fact that after Eagle it's already been a half an hour... it seems like 10 minutes.

I'm feeling really good after a week of classes. My legs have firmed up so much, and there's space between my legs now when they're together. My pants are looser, and I just feel more comfortable. I don't know about losing weight, but I'm definitely gaining muscle and I'm trimming down my thighs, sides, and stomach. I'm excited to see how I feel after day 30. I don't think I'll be doing a 30 day challenge again any time soon (I'm lucky that I can this month - I'm usually on the road so much that I'm not home for 30 days in one month!) but I'd like to keep it up at least three times a week, mixed with the treadmill at the new Y Express across from my office.

Another thing I've noticed - I'm craving healthier foods. I've been avoiding the fast food (which has been my downfall over the past 18 months) and I crave fruit all the time. I need to go to the store tomorrow and get grapes because they always pop into my head during class. I think nice, cold grapes would be the perfect snack. I've been reaching for the Special K (chocolate) instead of sweets, which is definitely good.

Bikram Days 6, 7, and part of 8

After Wednesday's fantastic class, there was nowhere to go but down. Thursday's class was exhausting. I didn't perform well and I felt like I couldn't do half of what I normally do. I think it's normal to have these ebbs and flows, it just stinks.

Friday it was snowing during class. It was beautiful to see the snow falling through the windows while sweating my booty off. Class was fairly crowded, and I felt like I really improved my half moon and camel. I'm actually liking camel now, which I used to hate.

Today I'm trying something new - I'm going to two classes in one day. I may have to miss a class later this month due to work (I'm hoping not, but sometimes it can't be avoided) so this can make up for that. Class this morning was OK. I had a hard time with triangle and toe stand - couldn't get out of it! My ankles are killing me right now and I'm freezing, but I'm currently relaxing, watching season 2 of Grey's, and awaiting this afternoon's class :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bikram Challenge, Day 5

Wow. That was by far the best yoga class I've ever had. It was hot again, but class went by so quickly. I could have stayed for another hour! I had so much energy at the end (and I still do).

Part of what made this class so great was that I actually felt improvement. Standing series was good - not amazing, but solid. Seated, though, was great. I could stretch further and I noticed I didn't have to bend my knees on many poses. I got my heels off the ground on my toe touch, and it felt great!

They started a chart at the studio for those of us doing the challenge. I feel great putting my stickers up there. Hopefully I'll get my line nice and filled!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

It was a bit hard to get to class tonight simply because it was after my first day back at work since last Thursday. I was tired, but I got there early to relax. The room was hotter than I've ever felt it before - I was sweating from the moment I walked in the room. Usually I don't start sweating until half moon, but I was definitely sweating just lying on my mat.

I didn't have that feeling of "Why am I here?" tonight. I did, however, feel like I'm getting the poses more. I've been doing Bikram off and on since 2008 and I know the basics of the poses, but I think consistent practice has made me more aware of what every little muscle in my body is doing. I'm still terrible at some poses, but I feel like I'm able to do a little more each day.

A little off topic - I found the BEST products for showering after Bikram. The holiday version of Villainess Scintillating Smooch is a sugar scrub full of peppermint and candy canes. Philosophy's Candy Cane 3-in-1 has always been one of my favorite things to use year-round, and it's especially cooling and refreshing after 90 minutes in the Bikram room. Follow it up with Bath & Body Works Twisted Peppermint Body Cream, and I'm as happy as could be. Now I'm ready for bed...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Bikram Challenge: Days 2 & 3

Days two and three were tough for different reasons. Day 2 I was sore and had to work up the motivation to go to 4:30 class. I started feeling nauseous during half moon (one of the first things we do) and blacked out on camel. Aside from that, I had a good class. I came home and went to the movies with Corey (Harry Potter again because he had the time wrong for Tangled).

Day 3 was different. I had no problem going to class (9:30 AM - last day off from work!) and I never had that feeling of "Why am I here?" I did feel, though, that I performed terribly. I fell out of standing bow many times and I felt like I regressed. I know that's not true and I'm just sore and building muscle, but it's frustrating. I left class feeling great but like I could do better. I'm just relaxing all day, waiting for game night with friends tonight. I start evening class tomorrow (probably 6:30 since Sarah said that one is less crowded). I need to figure out what I'm going to do when my doctorate classes start in a few weeks....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New purpose

Since we've never really used the blog, I'm going to use it to document my 30 Day Bikram Yoga Challenge. I've loved Bikram since I was introduced in August 2008. Although it's expensive, it's my favorite form of exercise. I always questions myself halfway through the standing series, wondering why I pay to subject myself to such torture. Then we get to the seated series (my favorite) and the final resting period and I can't wait for the next class.

There was nowhere in Lynchburg to practice Bikram until this December. I was too busy over the past month to go to any classes besides the first day they were open, but the 11 cent classes on New Year's Day hooked me back in. I've always wanted to complete the 30 Day Challenge, but I was never in Charlottesville for 30 days straight when I was in grad school. Now I'll be around for most of the 30 days (I'll potentially only miss one day, which will mean doubling up a day).

Like everyone else, I've gained weight over the past few years - partially due to lack of exercise, partially due to poor eating habits (it's hard to justify cooking for myself when Corey is working odd shifts). I think this is a great way to start off the new year. Losing weight will be nice, but it's not the point. I love how I feel after class, and that feeling is what I want more than anything. Just for kicks, though, I weighed myself yesterday and I'm going to personally keep track of that number just to see if it helps at all.

I'm not one for serious resolutions - last year my resolutions were to see Jimmy Buffett as many times as possible (only succeeded once), learn "We Didn't Start the Fire" (only finished one verse - it's a hard song!), and learn the "Single Ladies" dance (didn't happen at all). I'd like to think of this more as a start to being healthier. My resolutions are still up in the air - I think the first two will carry over. Now to think of a third... after Day 2 of the challenge in an hour :)